Craft Your Personal
Brand Strategy

Share your true value with the world

Learn to communicate your unique gifts, talent, skills and know-how in a way that will attract more of your ideal work.

Annabelle King speaking on how you know you need a Personal Brand Strategy

Have You Ever Thought Any of The Following?

If these thoughts have been written into your notes, your group chat or your Google search engine bar, then Craft Your Personal Brand Strategy is for you.

About The Course

Craft Your Personal Brand Strategy is a self-paced, tried, tested and proven strategy development course that allows you to take on the lessons and the assigned tasks step by step.

Plus, each task you’re asked to do is an accomplishment that will not only make you feel good about your value and offerings but will also bring you one step closer to crafting your personal brand.

Upon registration, you’ll receive 21 lessons + 1.5 hours of constructive video content you’ll have access to forever.

Hi, I’m Annabelle King

I’m a Brand & Marketing Consultant and founder of I Like Storytelling.  

 I have 20 years of experience building brand stories for brands & people. 10 years ago, I created a bespoke Brand Story Development Process that I now use to facilitate solopreneurs, entrepreneurs, teams and agencies to create brand stories and strategies through workshops, retreats and this online course.

I also hold an MSC in Marketing Practice and a Bachelor's Degree in Business & Marketing, both of which laid the foundations for my work. 
You can learn more about me here.

Client Testimonials

“I have enjoyed working with Annabelle. She spends the time to understand your story and how best to articulate it. She wants it to be authentic and not just a "marketing" story or image.”

Clay Gillespie, Financial Advisor & Managing Director, RGF Integrated Wealth Management

“Annabelle created a personal brand strategy for me and I want to share how incredible it was. If you are considering working with Annabelle, I highly encourage it. The research helped me learn what my clients appreciate about the work that I do and what they love about working with me. She was able to show me ways I could grow my business in the marketplace and, the coolest thing, learning to accurately describe
who I am and what I do.”

Ean Kramer, Transformation Coach, EK Coaching.

Past Clients

Ready to put the best you into the world?

What You’ll Actually Learn

Case Study

Learn about our special 1-day retreat with 15 Young Women in Business (YWIB) members and graduates enjoyed workshops on strengths and crafted their personal brand strategies. This event was held to commemorate the completion of their study and assist in launching their professional careers on the right foot.

What You’ll Walk Away With

Annabelle King speaking on what you will take away with after crafting Personal Brand Strategy

Ready to Craft Your Personal Brand Strategy?

Invest in yourself, and your future growth, for just $1,200.

Grab the introductory offer of $250 off,
$950 for a limited time only.